CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2010-04-06 (First Edition)
- 2015-05-15 (Remixed & Remastered Version)
- Recording Data
- First Edition
- All Music Write, Arrangement & Guitar : Ayumu Nishimura
- Except #5 "Desperado" (Music Write : Glenn Frey, Don Henley)
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded & Mastered by Ryuzo Kodama
- Strings : John Pearse #600L
- Capotasto : Jim Dunlop Victor Capo
- Remixed & Remastered Version
- Mixed by Keita Aso
- Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Track list
- Sunny Day Drive!!
- 風の吹く丘
- 夕暮れハート
- Morning Grow
- Desperado (Cover)
- Twilight
- 13フレットのオルゴール
- nostalgie
- New Feelings
- また逢えるその日まで
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2011-12-19
- Recording Data
- All Music Write, Arrangement & Guitar : Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Nasoundra Palace Studio
- Recorded & Mixed by Keita Aso
- Mastered at Music Well Studio
- Mastered by Atsushi Toda
- Guitar : SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings : ghs [S325]
- Capotasto : PLANET WAVES [NS Capo Chrome]
- Track list
- Puppy
- キンモクセイ
- Youthful beat
- 夏の記憶
- 名もなき花
- Time in Cafe
- Summer Vacation
- Sweet Dreams
- 星のしずく
- かえりみち
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2013-12-09
- Recording Data
- All Music Write, Arrangement & Guitar : Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Recording Studio GOATEE
- Recorded & Mixed by Keita Aso
- Mastered at Music Well Studio
- Mastered by Atsushi Toda
- Guitar : SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings : ghs [S325]
- Capotasto : PLANET WAVES [NS Capo]
- Track list
- Journey
- ひだまり
- Fun Time Holiday
- やさしい雨
- Remember
- Take It Easy
- Winter Mist
- 桜
- High Voltage
- 祈り
- キズナ
4th「J Songs」
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2015-05-15
- Recording Data
- All Songs Arranged & Performed by Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Hachimann Recording Studio
- Engineered & Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Guitar : SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings : ghs [S325]
- Capotasto : PLANET WAVES [NS Capo]
- Track list
- なごり雪
- 川の流れのように
- 涙そうそう
- さくら(独唱)
- 真夏の果実
- 時の流れに身をまかせ
- 童神
- 津軽海峡・冬景色
- 糸
- 赤とんぼ
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2017-03-01
- Recording Data
- All Music Written, Arranged & Performed by Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Hachimann Recording Studio
- Engineered & Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Guitar used SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings used ghs [S325]
- Capotasto used スタ☆カポ [SNAP47]
- Track list
- Shining Road
- 渚 de Slow Time
- 僕らの冒険
- ナミダノアト
- 蝉しぐれ
- DareYami
- if
- Feel so Good
- 茜空
- Story of Life
- Reference
- アルバム「HEARTLAND」徹底分析
6th「Love & Peace」
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2019-03-10
- Recording Data
- All Music Written, Arranged & Performed by Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Hachimann Recording Studio
- Engineered & Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Guitar used SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings used ghs [S325]
- Capotasto used スタ☆カポ [SNAP47]
- Track list
- Beginning
- Peaceful days
- うたたね
- ソラシド
- 雨音センチメンタル
- 青春バンソーコー
- カタオモイ
- Ride the wind
- 夏の終わりに
- 最後の約束
- ずっと、いつまでも
10th Anniversary Best Album「Best of Ballads」
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2020-02-22
- Recording Data
- All Music Written, Arranged & Performed by Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded, Remixed and Remastered at Hachimann Recording Studio
- Engineered & Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Guitar used SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Track list
- プロローグ[新曲(未発表曲)]
- 夕暮れハート[新録音]
- キンモクセイ[新録音]
- 名もなき花[新録音]
- ナミダノアト[リミックス&リマスター]
- やさしい雨[新録音]
- うたたね[リミックス&リマスター]
- 13フレットのオルゴール[新録音]
- Remember[新録音]
- 桜[新録音]
- また逢えるその日まで[新録音]
- 月夜君想[新曲]
- if[リミックス&リマスター]
- Story of Life[リミックス&リマスター]
- ずっと、いつまでも[リミックス&リマスター]
- キズナ[新録音]
7th「City Lights」
CD Jacket
- Release Date
- 2022-07-22
- Recording Data
- All Music Written, Arranged & Performed by Ayumu Nishimura
- Produced by Ayumu Nishimura
- Recorded at Hachimann Recording Studio
- Engineered & Mastered by Takahiro Yamanouchi
- Guitar used SUGITA KENJI Acoustic Guitars [Carrera OM Custom]
- Strings used ghs S325
- (Track 8 Guitar used Martinez MP-14 RS Artist)
- Capotasto used スタ☆カポ [SNAP47], PLANET WAVES (NS Capo)
- Track list
- Midnight Trail
- 夜明けと静寂の中で
- Starry Night
- 一等賞
- 心の時計
- ま、いっか
- ワスレナグサ
- 摩天楼
- City Lights
- またあした
Online Shop
AYUMUSIC Online Shop
- 初稿
- 2017年2月11日
- 最終更新
- 2025年2月22日
- ナビゲーション
- 西村歩 (Ayumu Nishimura) まとめページ
- Profile
- Tuning
- Equipment
- Video
- Link
- アルバム「HEARTLAND」徹底分析
- 「Shining Road」を弾こう!
- noriya.info